Evaluation Method: Labeling Surveyed Attendees

This year the North Carolina Science Festival used I'm a Data Point stickers to label attendees who had already taken the survey for the first time. We wanted to do it last year, but just ran out of time. In case you want to jump this hurdle as well, but don't want to do it all on your own, we're sharing our process with you (and files that you can use as a template).

  1. We have had a staff member create a sticker template in Illustrator. You can see a .png file of our sticker for this year attached. The colors were chosen to match this year's NC Science Festival t-shirt.
  2. We used uprinting.com to get a roll of 5,000 "bulk" stickers. The total cost for the order was $272. You can order as few as 250 stickers for around $188; the price increases by a nominal amount as the "bulk" of your order increases.
  3. Uprinting.com offers a proof review, which we chose to do. It says it can take up to one-two days, but we had our proof back in an hour.
  4. After registering on the site, poking around for a day or two, creating a partial order, and using the online chat function, we received an email coupon for 15% off my first order. We're not sure which of our actions triggered the coupon, but it knocked about $50 off our order and so it might be worth taking the time to try these different steps if you want to use their service.
  5. Our order was supposed to be ready in six business days. For some reason, the "arrival" date is two weeks from the day I placed the order. Plan accordingly!
  6. If you want to use our file as a running start for your own sticker design, feel free! Changing the colors and replacing the NC logo should be relatively easy if you have Illustrator. If you don't then it is easy to hire a consultant to do the work for you for a nominal fee.

Please feel free to build on anything we have shared here and share your successes, we'd love to hear from you!

EvalFest is funded by the National Science Foundation, Award #1423004 and administered by Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Principal Investigators: Todd Boyette, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center; Karen Peterman, Karen Peterman Consulting; Katherine Nielsen, UCSF Science and Health Education Partnership