Journal of Science Communication takes closer look at science festivals
The December 2014 issue of the Journal of Science Communication featured a special commentary section dedicated to science festivals around the world. From the lead abstract:
"The cultural phenomenon of ‘science festivals’ is ever expanding throughout the world, as universities, city and regional governments, and science engagement professionals alike embrace the concept of a focused ‘celebration’ of science. In the past however science festivals have been criticized for neglecting underrepresented audiences. This special issue explores the extent to which current science festivals have managed to engage with diverse publics, and identifies the key challenges facing the future of science festivals, most notably the need for deeper research into the impacts of science festivals."
This special six-part series includes the following commentaries:
- When science makes us who we are: known and speculative impacts of science festivals
- From liquid nitrogen to public engagement and city planning: the changing role of science events
- National Science Festival of Thailand: historical roots, current activities and future plans of the National Science Fair
- The Caribbean’s best science festival: NIHERST’s Sci-TechKnoFest
- Einstein’s Garden 2009–2014: unexpected encounters with science