Past Science Festival Alliance Members

The Science Festival Alliance is evolving, and that includes the terms of membership and how we represent members. This list of past Science Festival Alliance member festivals has outdated and incomplete information. Nonetheless, it has been left up here to give a sense of what that constituency is like.

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Youngstown Regional Science and Technology Festival

15 Central Square, Youngstown, OH, United States, 44503

eSTEAM Sumter Festival

Developing our talent pipeline is critical to the continued success of this region. Hosting a festival to celebrate advancement in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math allows show goers to see, experience, and dream about future careers while interfacing with industries and organizations that can make their dreams a reality. More recently, the ‘Arts’ were added to the commonly known acronym forming STEAM—because employers understand that creativity and soft skills add vitality to any program, project, or work environment. eSTEAM Sumter, is our way of bridging the gap, shoring up our workforce, talent and highlighting the development and growth of our region. Let’s eSTEAM!
10 E. Liberty St. Sumter, SC 29150
November 12, 2022

iMagine Upstate

The mission of iMAGINE Upstate is to create meaningful experiences that promote a culture of lifelong learning and career readiness with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM), innovation, and entrepreneurial activity in Upstate South Carolina. iMAGINE Upstate is a program of South Carolina’s Coalition for Mathematics & Science (SCCMS) at Clemson University.
Main Street in Greenville, SC
April 1, 2023